
I'm a software engineer who just graduated and is now working in the field of video game development. Awesome, right! Don't try to talk me into spilling the beans about what game I'm working on. My lips are sealed! I'm a 24 years old guy and from as far as I can remember, I loved playing video games ...

Croak!! Help me!

Posted by Petey

Another deal from NintendoAge. While I was looking to seal my last deal, a user offered me package deal I've been looking for for a while. I finally put my hands on a game I haven't played in ages. It cost me almost 100$ for that game only, so we can say I really wanted it. I got three games out of the deal, all in excellent condition, or almost.

Game C I B Bought Value
Super Castlevania IV 9 10 8 $90.00 $80.00
Star Fox 3 6 8 $30.00 $35.00
Earthworm Jim 2 10 9 8 $30.00 $30.00


Clearly, the highlight of this is the Castlevania game. It's the original version with the instructions in color! I paid a little bit more for it, but I really wanted that game. So many memories. The other two came in the package deal. The Earthworm Jim was in mint condition, but sadly the box got a bit damaged during shipping. It now has a little dent on the side. Also, the Star Fox cartridge has the back sticker ripped. I can get a new one easily so it's not a problem.

Croak!! Help me! (Sutar Fox, 1993)

- Petey

Yeah, this is Raccoon City all over again.

Posted by Petey

I love Resident Evil!

I've been playing every single chapter of the series since it has started. Even though I highly prefer the first ones, the second one being my all time favorite game, I still enjoy the new action fueled version. So it was no suprise that for my birthday, I received the brand new collector's edition version of Resident Evil 6.

Resident Evil 6

Best thing about this version is that it includes versions of all the five first games in the series! That's awesome for anyone who never actually played the old ones. Initially I though they would come on their own disk, but they are only available via download. Still, it adds great value to the package.

I'm sad to say but yet again, I'm a little disappointed with the game. I miss the old original survival horror gameplay. Don't get me wrong, the game is great, but not scary or eerie as it once was. It nows feels like you are playing Gears of Wars with zombies instead of aliens. Still, the game is really enjoyable. The game is long, there are a few "Wow" moments and I as I said, you don't have time to be bored with all those waves of monsters coming at you. A definite buy if you are into action packed games or just a plain zombie massacres fan.

Yeah, this is Raccoon City all over again. (Resident Evil 6, 2012)

- Petey

Chrono Trigger

SNES - MINT Condition


SNES - VERY GOOD Condition

Resident Evil (Longbox)


Resident Evil 2

PS1 - FACTORY SEALED (Black Label)

Resident Evil 2

PS1 - FACTORY SEALED (Black Label)